Our PRocess
Our current production of Mister Alphabet features one exception to our regional manufacturing story here in Los Angeles. Our slip-cast porcelain heads are poured and fired near Mexico City at a 100-year-old porcelain factory before being sent to us for hand-painting at our studio in Pasadena, California. A first of its kind, Mister Alphabet | Porcelain represents a unique effort to create a simple, posable figurine able to bend and stay in any letter of the alphabet. Beyond an object of utility, we sought to create Mister Alphabet | Porcelain as an object of careful craftsmanship and aesthetic consideration.

Mister Alphabet is currently created and assembled—along with his packaging-- with components made almost exclusively in the United States. We are proud to be a small-batch manufacturer using materials including porcelain, stainless steel, and platinum-cure silicone.
Each figurine carries the uniqueness and variance of artisan production. The individuals who stitch, cast, and kiln-fire the various components bring an added value and pride to the laborious process behind every figurine..